
Rubik’s cube is one of the toys that will never be out of date

Rubik’s cube is one of the toys that will never be out of date.

In 1974, a 30-year-old Hungarian architect and sculptor wanted to help his college students understand some geometric concepts, so he invented a cube and assigned a color to its six faces.

That afternoon 45 years ago, looking at toys made of wooden blocks and rubber bands, Rubic Elnor would not have thought that he would be world famous for this. Soon, the Rubik’s cube became the best-selling toy in the world.

It is reported that Rubik’s Cube is unique. It is one of the toys that will never be outdated and expired. It always attracts adults and children. For people of any age, Rubik’s Cube is a challenge to overcome. It has magic for life.
Rubik invented a pivot mechanism that allows each pivot to rotate independently to avoid falling cubes. At the time he thought it was just a tool (although the concepts were complex) so that his students could understand the concepts of space and solid geometry.

The challenges and difficulties of restoring the Rubik’s Cube will only make people happier. At that time, there was no relevant strategy on the Internet. As a result, the Rubik’s Cube inadvertently set another record: the Rubik’s Cube became the toy with the most published books related to it. These books offer multiple solutions to this dilemma created by Rubik.

When Rubik’s Cube was first created, restoring it was also a problem for Rubik. In fact, in the first few weeks, he thought it was impossible. After many trials and calculations, it took him a month to find a solution.
According to reports, the World Rubik’s Cube Association does not only reward players who recover the Rubik’s Cube the fastest. Graham Parker, an Englishman in his 50s, bought a Rubik’s cube in 1983, but he didn’t want to consult books and walkthroughs. He decided not to take shortcuts, and it took 26 years to successfully recover the Rubik’s Cube. The World Rubik’s Cube Association rewarded him and acknowledged his dedication (and his unquestionable stubbornness).
Magic cube made in China 

