
Give more color toys for baby

Since the first thing the baby sees after birth is the mother’s breast, it is more sensitive to bulls-eye images. Experts advise parents to take some bullseye-like black and white toys and shake them back and forth in front of the baby’s eyes to increase their sensitivity to black and white tones. In order to pave the way for children’s future visual development, parents can also buy some red, yellow and blue baby toys to show them from time to time.

The first stage: see more black and white 4 months ago
Since the baby first sees the mother’s breasts after birth, it is more sensitive to bulls-eye images. Experts advise parents to take some bullseye-like black and white toys and shake them back and forth in front of the baby’s eyes to increase their sensitivity to black and white tones.
Of course, in order to pave the way for children’s future visual development, parents can also buy some red, yellow, and blue baby toys to show them from time to time. Because although the baby can’t see these colors at first, it can take a long time to stimulate the vision and lay the foundation for the baby to enter the visual color period.
In addition, the clothes worn by the baby should also be a little more colorful, and all the clothes in dark tones and bright tones must be present; otherwise, it is likely that the vision will be dull because of looking at the same color system for a long time. Your baby’s bedside and bedside should also be decorated with some colored accessories, such as balloons, pendants, and colored porcelain plates, so that when the baby opens his eyes, he can have a colorful environment. But remember not to let your baby stare at something for a long time, otherwise they may cause their eyes to stagnate and even cause cross-eyes. While shaking the baby toy, it is better to speak softly to the child.
Second stage: exposure to orange green purple after half a year old
4-12 months, the baby will usher in the visual color period. During this period, the baby’s visual nerve is very sensitive to colored things, and the visual range has also expanded to 1-2 meters.
Although the children are sensitive to colored things at this time, there are differences in what kind of colors will be better. The three primary colors red, yellow, and blue are high in purity and easy to identify, and are among the preferred colors. In addition, parents can also try to let the baby touch some orange, green, and purple in advance. For example, buy some colorful toys with a bell and shake them in front of your baby’s eyes. In this way, the sound and color will make the child feel excited when they see it, which will stimulate the vision and brain development.
Parents can also play “hide cats” with children with toys. While shaking the colorful toy in front of the baby’s eyes, hide the toy behind him. When the baby is in doubt, light up the toy in front of the child’s eyes. “When the toy instantly appears in front of the baby, he will suddenly become happy. And this process is very good for visual stimulation.”

