
How to choose the toys for baby

Toys are an indispensable “companion” on the baby’s growth path, and also the baby’s first textbook. It not only increases the baby’s life experience, enriches knowledge, expands ability, but also helps to cultivate a good personality for the baby.
You may know that you should choose the right toy based on your baby’s age and personality characteristics. However, it is not easy to choose a safe, fun and educational toy for your baby in the market with a wide range of toys!

4 principles for selecting toys
  1. Security
    According to statistics, about 100,000 babies have accidents every year due to playing with toys. Safety is undoubtedly the first consideration when choosing a toy. When choosing toys, you may wish to use the “hard and soft standards.”
    The so-called soft standard, understand the quality of the toy through observation, touch and so on. For example, hold the building blocks to see if the edges and corners are round and observe whether the paint will fall off and how shiny it is; whether the surface of the ball is grainy and easy to come off;
    TIPS: Toys with strong fragrances often contain benzene, lead, cadmium and other chemical components or heavy metals that are harmful to the baby. Do not buy them.
  2. Developmental
    Baby toys must meet the age characteristics of the baby in order to promote the development of baby’s ability. Therefore, pay attention to the appropriate age marked on the packaging when choosing toys.
    Baby up to 1 year old choose sound toys
    Baby at this age needs graphic toys of different colors, textures and materials to meet the needs of sensory development. Sound toys such as rattle drums can promote the development of baby’s control and coordination ability.
    1-2 years old baby chooses moving toys
    Toddler babies are often interested in moving toys such as toy cars and teddy bears. In the process of catching up with toys, the baby’s physical ability has been developed.
    Baby after 2 years old chooses hands-on toys
    Because of the wrist turning ability, babies can try to play with building blocks, jigsaw puzzles, and percussion instruments. At the same time, they have shown more interest in drawing and educational toys that stimulate imagination and creativity.
  3. Educational
    Educational toys can not only bring endless fun to babies, but also have great significance for improving attention, developing sensory abilities, and achieving a sense of accomplishment and confidence. Therefore, toys not only satisfy the baby’s emotional pleasure, but also have important educational significance. Today, the market is full of a variety of educational toys, but not all of them are “educated”. Some toys that are too expensive, sophisticated, and single-playing are not conducive to the development of intelligence. Toys with real educational value are often Those relatively easy to find, low-structure, reusable materials, such as building blocks, plasticine, sand, paper, etc.
  4. Suitability
    Choose targeted toys according to your baby’s personality characteristics in order to make better use of the educational value of toys.
    Active baby, choose intellectual toys.
    The baby has a good personality, so he chooses quieter intellectual toys, such as building blocks and plastic toys, for him to practice focusing and learn to control his actions.
    Timid baby chooses sports toys
    If your baby is too quiet and timid, you may choose sports toys for him, such as ball, frisbee or voice-activated toys, to make him happy and confident during the chase.
    Careless baby chooses handmade toys
    If your baby is careless and careless, you can choose handmade toys for him, let him know the relationship between objects in the process of making, and develop good study habits.
    Unwanted babies choose toys that work together
    For this kind of baby, provide him with more toys that require collective cooperation, so that the baby can enhance social communication in the process of interacting with others.
    Toy DIY benefits
    Attentive mothers have discovered that many expensive and beautifully packed toys may not be the ones that babies like. These toys are often played in a single way, and the baby won’t be tired for long. On the contrary, those old plastic bottles, drinking glasses, rags, paper, etc. are more fun to play.
    In fact, as long as you are willing to use your brain with your baby, these waste items in life will become fun toys. This is home toys DIY. You can paint and make picture books with your baby, make bowls with the same shape and different sizes into percussion instruments, and use unused quilt pillows to make stuffed toys. As long as you take your baby to observe carefully and make it patiently, the baby will have endless toys. At the same time, in the process of DIY toys, the baby’s creativity, environmental protection c, patience and careful willpower qualities have been cultivated.

