
Playing toys reflect baby character

Children love toys very much, but what kind of toys they prefer and how they play can reflect their psychological state and have a certain relationship with their personality development.

A stuffed toy is often a variety of cute little animals, which can be used as a toy or a companion; you can coax it, or use it to vent your emotions. It can be a person with rich emotions, delicate, attachment, and tenderness. In addition, the unique soft thickness of the plush toys has the effect of comforting and stabilizing emotions for lonely, timid and caring children.

Building blocks toys requires children’s brain, hand, and eye coordination to exercise their hands-on ability and coordination ability. Plastic building blocks toys are beautiful in color, repeatedly disassembled and freely matched by children under 3 years of age. When they are 4-5 years old, they can be asked to install a “named” item according to the pattern, and encourage them to invent and create “self-made” graphics.

Like sports toys (such as ball, cart, gun, sword, stick, stick, etc.)
These are usually plentiful from the crowd, guts are aligned, and the inner emotions are not covered up. The action is their “speech.” These children have been active since childhood and often make kicks, runs, and jumps. They are regarded by parents as “unstable “Is a way of expression. Such a child likes simple toys, and his happiness stems from the activity itself, in which toys are just a “trim”.

Experts and scholars in the United States believe that it is extremely important to activate the baby as soon as possible after birth, and that early movement of the baby can promote the development of its body, brain and nervous system.
Scientists have done a famous experiment, they used mice as the research object. They divided the newborn mice into two groups. The first group was kept in cages for food and drink. The second group was widely free. Except for the results of eating and drinking, the two groups of mice showed great differences after growing up. . The mice in the second group were significantly stronger than those in the first group in including various internal memory abilities.
Moreover, the period of 0-6 months of birth is exactly the most important period for the brain development of the baby during the entire development process. Therefore, scientists recommend getting babies active as soon as possible, the sooner the better!
They let babies kick sound-producing toys. They found that babies can be cheered and watched by adults and they are very excited. They think that this is a good way, and this activity can also enlighten the baby’s logical thinking as soon as possible. Now you can do this with baby sports toys. Remember, when you play a toy, be sure to shout “Come on”! A one month baby can understand your encouragement and applause!


What’s the best brain toys for kids

Many mothers buy a lot of intellectual toys for their children. They are said to be able to exercise logical thinking ability and improve intelligence.
I want to say that playing with these things is definitely better than letting children watch TV or play games, but I don’t think that this is the best intellectual toy.
Children’s best brain toys are living people.
A brain scientist introduced a study in which children who were judged extroverted at the age of 3 had better academic performance and relationships than introverted children at the age of 11. The reason is that introverted children play by themselves, while extroverted children like to play with others.
For children, a playmate of the same age is the best toy, far more expensive than an expensive robot or remote control car, because the latter has limited changes, while the former has infinite changes. The infinite changes will stimulate nerve development and increase nerves. The connection between. The more nervous the child, the smarter he is.
The positioning of children’s toys should be “there is no playmate, so I have to use these things instead”, instead of “I have to save the time I have to let the child run wild and let him fiddle with these intellectual development tools.”
Is your child’s playmate hard to find? Not at all. Even if you can’t always find children of the same age, parents can be playmates. Do n’t you have a little self-confidence. Are you more fun than intellectual toys, logic dogs and the like, and can you better train your children’s thinking ability?
As for how to choose toys, the following two principles should be followed:
Principle 1: Choose toys based on your child’s age and psychological needs
Children of different ages have different degrees of physical development and psychological development, and have different requirements for toys. Parents should choose toys accordingly.
Children between 1 and 2 years of age already have a certain ability to move. For children at this stage, parents should choose toys that promote their physical development, such as small balls, trolleys, building blocks, rag dolls, etc .; children aged 3 to 4 prefer to imitate the movements of adults around them with the development of language functions And life, so they can choose the theme toys that imitate life for them; children 5 to 6 years old gradually increase their knowledge and experience, and strengthen their autonomy. They can choose toys for themselves and brains, such as chess toysbuilding blocks, and some Tool toys and semi-finished materials, such as wooden boards, wooden hammers, safety scissors, glue, etc. Can guide children to use these things to make their own ideal items. This kind of active and proactive constructive activity is most beneficial to children’s physical and mental development.
Principle 2: Select toys purposefully based on the personality differences of the child
For active children, parents can choose static brain toys, such as building blocks; for lonely and silent children, parents can choose dynamic toys, such as voice-activated toys; for irritable children, parents can choose for them Making toys, such as providing semi-finished products or cartons, magnets, silk cloth, etc., allow children to have a keen discrimination in the process of concentrating on operations.
Of course, in addition to properly choosing toys for your child, as a parent, it is more important to guide your child to use toys effectively and creatively.


Boys toys or girls toys really necessary ?

In everyone’s impression, kids toys are really divided into boys and girls. For example, boys like cars, transformers, dinosaurs, skateboards, etc. Girls should be plush toys, Barbie dollsplay house toys, etc. But is toys really so important to gender?

Baby toys before the age of 3 do not have to be male or female

Generally speaking, children more than 1 year old are not gender-conscious, but only find out that the external characteristics of boys and girls are slightly different. When the baby is more than 2 years old, he can tell his gender accurately, and when he is about 3 years old, he starts to have gender awareness. In other words, it’s no big deal that if a one year old little girls likes boys’ toys, she will be interested in anything interesting. If mom and dad put too much emphasis on the boys toys or girls toys, it may prevent babies from knowing the world.

Kids toys after 3 years of age are appropriately divided between boys and girls

Since the age of 3 began to be gender-conscious, has it been strictly divided between boys and girls for toys since then? In fact, it is not necessary. Parents can educate their children as early as possible, which is conducive to the development of physical and mental health, but gender education does not mean education through toys. Toys should be divided according to functions, such as building blocks, balls, cars, and dolls,Action figures etc., different toys have different ways of playing. If parents force boys and girls according to their own judgment, it will undoubtedly deprive children of their fun.

Parents need to pay attention to the excessive emphasis on toy sexization is not good for future development. According to a study in the United States, girls who like to play Barbie (typical female image) think that they have less career opportunities in the future than boys, while girls who are in love with Mrs. Toy (neutral toys) believe that they can engage in careers with Male life is divided.

Both male and female babies can play all toys. Only when the baby has serious inconsistencies in psychological and physical genders, it is necessary to intervene. For example, boys are very resistant to masculine toys. They only like feminine toys, or girls If only like masculine toys but do not like feminine toys, you need reasonable guidance from parents. If you let it go, it will affect your personality and psychology in the future.


Educational children toys building blocks

Pieces of bland parts, arranged and combined building blocks toys turned into a villain in the hands of children, a bridge, an airplane, and even a castle. Children use their imagination and use a variety of different types of toy parts to build physical objects, turning ordinary into magic. This is the charm of assembly and the reason for its enduring durability. During the assembling process, children’s hand-eye coordination ability is trained to promote brain development and is widely loved by parents and children.

What are the performances of children’s building blocks?

The help and role of building block toys for children are as follows:

  1. 1,Exercise hand-eye coordination.

    When stacking wood, children need to use their hands dexterously, so it can promote the development of fine movements. Stacking scattered bricks into complex objects can also exercise hand-eye coordination.

  2. 2,cultivate observation.

    Objects such as houses built by children are actually common in life. They must first learn to observe, and then use the building blocks to show things observed in daily life during the process of playing. Observation develops unknowingly.

  3. 3,Develop communication skills.

    It is better to let the children build blocks with other children, this is more fun than playing alone. In addition, children build blocks together and inspire each other, so they will play more seriously, which is also good for developing children’s ability to get along with others.

  4. 4,Make children more confident.

    The process of building blocks can be completely controlled by the child, which will bring satisfaction and self-confidence to the child.

  5. 5,In the process of playing with building blocks, children can also learn a lot of mathematical knowledge, cultivate a sense of space, imagination, creativity and language skills.

    There is no doubt that children’s building blocks puzzles, building blocks toys play a very important role in the growth of children, when purchasing building block toys, you should be more careful and pay attention to the production materials and quality of the building blocks, so as to prevent children from causing safety and health problems due to actual consumption. Kidseason supply quality and safety toys only, all of our building blocks are meet to CE standards, purchase toys from China should be choose Kidseason, we are your trusted partners.


Rubik’s cube is one of the toys that will never be out of date

Rubik’s cube is one of the toys that will never be out of date.

In 1974, a 30-year-old Hungarian architect and sculptor wanted to help his college students understand some geometric concepts, so he invented a cube and assigned a color to its six faces.

That afternoon 45 years ago, looking at toys made of wooden blocks and rubber bands, Rubic Elnor would not have thought that he would be world famous for this. Soon, the Rubik’s cube became the best-selling toy in the world.

It is reported that Rubik’s Cube is unique. It is one of the toys that will never be outdated and expired. It always attracts adults and children. For people of any age, Rubik’s Cube is a challenge to overcome. It has magic for life.
Rubik invented a pivot mechanism that allows each pivot to rotate independently to avoid falling cubes. At the time he thought it was just a tool (although the concepts were complex) so that his students could understand the concepts of space and solid geometry.

The challenges and difficulties of restoring the Rubik’s Cube will only make people happier. At that time, there was no relevant strategy on the Internet. As a result, the Rubik’s Cube inadvertently set another record: the Rubik’s Cube became the toy with the most published books related to it. These books offer multiple solutions to this dilemma created by Rubik.

When Rubik’s Cube was first created, restoring it was also a problem for Rubik. In fact, in the first few weeks, he thought it was impossible. After many trials and calculations, it took him a month to find a solution.
According to reports, the World Rubik’s Cube Association does not only reward players who recover the Rubik’s Cube the fastest. Graham Parker, an Englishman in his 50s, bought a Rubik’s cube in 1983, but he didn’t want to consult books and walkthroughs. He decided not to take shortcuts, and it took 26 years to successfully recover the Rubik’s Cube. The World Rubik’s Cube Association rewarded him and acknowledged his dedication (and his unquestionable stubbornness).
Magic cube made in China 


How to choose battery operated toys

The action of battery operated toys is rich and plentiful, and they are the best among motor toys. Parents should choose according to the age and intelligence of the child. For younger children, toys with more movements or larger movements should be selected to attract children’s attention. For older children with certain intelligence, toys with novelty movements should be selected to promote their thinking ability.
When selecting, follow the steps below.
  1. Check the battery box: When selecting an electric toy, first check the battery box to see if the elasticity of the battery contact piece is good. After inserting the battery, it should not be tight and loose.
  2. Check the switch: Toggle the switch multiple times, and the toys start normally. Then place the switch in the start position and press the switch’s dial several times with your finger and shake it left and right. The toy should not stop running.
  3. Check the action: start the toy first, then hold the hand to listen to the sound of the movement of the movement is normal. Then lightly press the toy’s various moving parts, such as wheels, hands, feet, head, etc., should feel the action is strong, rather than stop with one touch. Wait for the toy to idle for about 30 seconds. If everything is normal, then put it on the table and observe whether it moves easily, moves, and whether the effect is achieved. In addition, when choosing electric toys, it is best to bring new batteries to fully understand the various movements of the toys, because some electric toys, such as the use of old batteries, can not express their movements well. In this way, after observing all the actions of the toy under the condition of using a new battery, and then using a used battery to check whether the action of the toy can meet the requirements, a better comparison can be made.
  4. Check auxiliary actions: In addition to the main actions of electric toys, there are various auxiliary actions such as sound, light, smoke, etc. It is necessary to check whether these actions can be displayed in time with the main actions. If the luminous brightness should be conspicuous rather than dim, the sound should be crisp and loud instead of husky. Although it is impossible for smoke to appear as soon as you start the toy, it should slowly emerge within 30 to 45 seconds. If you cannot smoke for more than 1 minute, it means that it is not working properly.

    The above items are just the general selection of battery operated toys. For some special toys, it is necessary to repeatedly check their special action effects to meet the requirements.

Develop a good habit of packing toys

The habit is to accompany the baby throughout his life, especially those who use a lot of toys such as building blocks, must pay attention to developing a good habit of consciously packing up the blocks
Develop a good habit of packing toys.
After the child has finished playing, the child should get into the habit of packing toys. In this way, children can develop a good habit of cleanliness, improve children’s aesthetic ability and self-care ability, and lay the foundation for orderly, well-behaved and responsible in the future. However, the formation of this habit should not force adults to force children to clean up. And the method of applying games to tirelessly guide the children to clean up. For example, “The ragdoll is tired, she should sleep; the trolley should go to the garage to rest”. The habit becomes natural. Over time, the child will naturally consciously pack his toys.
Moms and dads must pay attention. If you think your baby ’s movement is slow and you grab it and pack it yourself, it is likely that your child will not be responsible for the toys he has used. If you lose one piece, you will blame you. The “little mess” of responsibility. Therefore, even when the baby’s movement is very slow, the parents must wait patiently for the baby to clean up, even if it starts from a little bit, praise. After several enhancements, the baby will consciously do this thing that can be praised!
When the child is older, you can let the child restore the packaging of the building blocks when they are packing the toys, and let the child pack the building blocks as they are in the restored drawing on the building block box. It is good for children to understand the combination of different figures and understand the concepts of parts and the whole.


Give more color toys for baby

Since the first thing the baby sees after birth is the mother’s breast, it is more sensitive to bulls-eye images. Experts advise parents to take some bullseye-like black and white toys and shake them back and forth in front of the baby’s eyes to increase their sensitivity to black and white tones. In order to pave the way for children’s future visual development, parents can also buy some red, yellow and blue baby toys to show them from time to time.

The first stage: see more black and white 4 months ago
Since the baby first sees the mother’s breasts after birth, it is more sensitive to bulls-eye images. Experts advise parents to take some bullseye-like black and white toys and shake them back and forth in front of the baby’s eyes to increase their sensitivity to black and white tones.
Of course, in order to pave the way for children’s future visual development, parents can also buy some red, yellow, and blue baby toys to show them from time to time. Because although the baby can’t see these colors at first, it can take a long time to stimulate the vision and lay the foundation for the baby to enter the visual color period.
In addition, the clothes worn by the baby should also be a little more colorful, and all the clothes in dark tones and bright tones must be present; otherwise, it is likely that the vision will be dull because of looking at the same color system for a long time. Your baby’s bedside and bedside should also be decorated with some colored accessories, such as balloons, pendants, and colored porcelain plates, so that when the baby opens his eyes, he can have a colorful environment. But remember not to let your baby stare at something for a long time, otherwise they may cause their eyes to stagnate and even cause cross-eyes. While shaking the baby toy, it is better to speak softly to the child.
Second stage: exposure to orange green purple after half a year old
4-12 months, the baby will usher in the visual color period. During this period, the baby’s visual nerve is very sensitive to colored things, and the visual range has also expanded to 1-2 meters.
Although the children are sensitive to colored things at this time, there are differences in what kind of colors will be better. The three primary colors red, yellow, and blue are high in purity and easy to identify, and are among the preferred colors. In addition, parents can also try to let the baby touch some orange, green, and purple in advance. For example, buy some colorful toys with a bell and shake them in front of your baby’s eyes. In this way, the sound and color will make the child feel excited when they see it, which will stimulate the vision and brain development.
Parents can also play “hide cats” with children with toys. While shaking the colorful toy in front of the baby’s eyes, hide the toy behind him. When the baby is in doubt, light up the toy in front of the child’s eyes. “When the toy instantly appears in front of the baby, he will suddenly become happy. And this process is very good for visual stimulation.”

How to choose the toys for baby

Toys are an indispensable “companion” on the baby’s growth path, and also the baby’s first textbook. It not only increases the baby’s life experience, enriches knowledge, expands ability, but also helps to cultivate a good personality for the baby.
You may know that you should choose the right toy based on your baby’s age and personality characteristics. However, it is not easy to choose a safe, fun and educational toy for your baby in the market with a wide range of toys!

4 principles for selecting toys
  1. Security
    According to statistics, about 100,000 babies have accidents every year due to playing with toys. Safety is undoubtedly the first consideration when choosing a toy. When choosing toys, you may wish to use the “hard and soft standards.”
    The so-called soft standard, understand the quality of the toy through observation, touch and so on. For example, hold the building blocks to see if the edges and corners are round and observe whether the paint will fall off and how shiny it is; whether the surface of the ball is grainy and easy to come off;
    TIPS: Toys with strong fragrances often contain benzene, lead, cadmium and other chemical components or heavy metals that are harmful to the baby. Do not buy them.
  2. Developmental
    Baby toys must meet the age characteristics of the baby in order to promote the development of baby’s ability. Therefore, pay attention to the appropriate age marked on the packaging when choosing toys.
    Baby up to 1 year old choose sound toys
    Baby at this age needs graphic toys of different colors, textures and materials to meet the needs of sensory development. Sound toys such as rattle drums can promote the development of baby’s control and coordination ability.
    1-2 years old baby chooses moving toys
    Toddler babies are often interested in moving toys such as toy cars and teddy bears. In the process of catching up with toys, the baby’s physical ability has been developed.
    Baby after 2 years old chooses hands-on toys
    Because of the wrist turning ability, babies can try to play with building blocks, jigsaw puzzles, and percussion instruments. At the same time, they have shown more interest in drawing and educational toys that stimulate imagination and creativity.
  3. Educational
    Educational toys can not only bring endless fun to babies, but also have great significance for improving attention, developing sensory abilities, and achieving a sense of accomplishment and confidence. Therefore, toys not only satisfy the baby’s emotional pleasure, but also have important educational significance. Today, the market is full of a variety of educational toys, but not all of them are “educated”. Some toys that are too expensive, sophisticated, and single-playing are not conducive to the development of intelligence. Toys with real educational value are often Those relatively easy to find, low-structure, reusable materials, such as building blocks, plasticine, sand, paper, etc.
  4. Suitability
    Choose targeted toys according to your baby’s personality characteristics in order to make better use of the educational value of toys.
    Active baby, choose intellectual toys.
    The baby has a good personality, so he chooses quieter intellectual toys, such as building blocks and plastic toys, for him to practice focusing and learn to control his actions.
    Timid baby chooses sports toys
    If your baby is too quiet and timid, you may choose sports toys for him, such as ball, frisbee or voice-activated toys, to make him happy and confident during the chase.
    Careless baby chooses handmade toys
    If your baby is careless and careless, you can choose handmade toys for him, let him know the relationship between objects in the process of making, and develop good study habits.
    Unwanted babies choose toys that work together
    For this kind of baby, provide him with more toys that require collective cooperation, so that the baby can enhance social communication in the process of interacting with others.
    Toy DIY benefits
    Attentive mothers have discovered that many expensive and beautifully packed toys may not be the ones that babies like. These toys are often played in a single way, and the baby won’t be tired for long. On the contrary, those old plastic bottles, drinking glasses, rags, paper, etc. are more fun to play.
    In fact, as long as you are willing to use your brain with your baby, these waste items in life will become fun toys. This is home toys DIY. You can paint and make picture books with your baby, make bowls with the same shape and different sizes into percussion instruments, and use unused quilt pillows to make stuffed toys. As long as you take your baby to observe carefully and make it patiently, the baby will have endless toys. At the same time, in the process of DIY toys, the baby’s creativity, environmental protection c, patience and careful willpower qualities have been cultivated.


Hot sell toys in summer-water gun

In the hot summer, fighting water is undoubtedly an outdoor recreational activity for young and old. The toy water gun is cheap and easy to operate, and it is popular among children and adults.

What is a water gun?

The water gun is a kind of children’s toy. It uses water as a bullet, and uses the principles of pressure and decompression to generate a jet of water to attack others! The power of manual compression is more suitable for children over 9 years old, and the power of automatic decompression is less suitable for children over 4 years old. Therefore, water gun toys are fun toys that develop children’s intelligence and thinking skills, and cultivate heroic spirits. They should be one of children’s favorite toys.

Classification and range of water gun toys

Although the water gun is a children’s toy, the production principle is simple, but the water gun is still divided into various categories according to different standards:

  1. 1,According to the spraying principle, it can be divided into ordinary water guns, pressurized water guns, air guns and backpack water guns. 
  2. 2, According to the length of the water gun can be divided into 5 cm to 15 cm, such as ordinary water guns and air guns; backpack water gun is generally 30 cm, and pressurized water gun is 60 cm.
  3. 3,According to the range, it can be divided into ordinary water gun and air cylinder with a distance of 1 to 2 meters; the range of pressurized water gun can reach 8 meters; and the backpack water gun is about 5 meters.
Kidseason bring wonderful China Toys for kids.